Silhouette Tip of the Day!

Hi there,

It's very annoying when you have to browse all the fontStyle in Silhouette Studio, when you are looking for a nice font for your words/designs.
I found out that in NexusFont for PC and for Mac you have a charset already installed.

  1. Open the "Text style window"  in the Top meny Bar to the right.
  2. Then select the "Font Style" you wish to use...NOT GOOD!
And abow here is the problem to browse thru all the fonts in Silhouette Studio.
Instead install and use the NexusFont for PC and for Mac use the already installed software.

  1.  Open up your NexusFont Software, and type in the word or phrases that you would like to use
  2.  Change the size of the fonts, (options) some times it's easier to have them large 
  3.  If you would like to see them in a specific color change it here

Now you can browse thru all your fonts and see which one is perfect for your design!

Happy Creating;)


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