How-to-make a 3D-Butterfly canvas with your Silhouette

Hi there,
todays 3D-Butterfly on Canvas tutorial is a very easy and you can use it for a lot of different designes.

Material I have used:
* 30x40 cm (12 x 16") canvas
* 3 cardstock in pink shades 
* Strong glue or gluegun
* Silhouette cutting machine

Start to make a template of the heart, I did mine from Nested Stitched Heart Shapes by Sarah Hurley in Silhouette Store

First a ungrouped them and deleted the 4 smallest, I took away the dots inside the bigest heart and rotated it 45° CW, then I increased it as much as I could, now it looks like this

                                                                                                                                                              I cut it out on vinyl that I had in my stash. You can also use cardstock or something in your stash.
Put it on the canvas in the center and made some small marks around the heart.

Next step was to make a LOT of butterflies to work with.
I sarted with the design Nesting Butterfly by Koletta Hall
Down here you can see the both designs in my Silhouette Studio Designer library.

I use the last butterfly on the left column, Ungroup the butterfly and delete the other 5 so you only have that one that the arrow pointed to. Now you have to make 2 folding lines

Drag a solid line to the left of the body of the butterfly then open the Line Style Window 
chose one of the dotted lines while you still have the solid line marked and it turn out to be dotted. Duplicate that line by open up the Replicate Window, click on duplicate right, and put it in position as you can see below here. Mark the finished butterfly and group it.

Open the Scale Window make the butterfly W 1,378 inch and H 0,989 inch. Save your work. Put the finished butterfly up in the left corner, and open the Replicate Window, down to the right you have fill page, hit that and wait for 1 minute or so and voala the window is filled with the butterfly.
Now cut them out in 3 different shades, I used pink, but it is up to you.

When I have cuted out all the butterflys I slightly bended the wings of 50% of them on each color.

Put some glue on them and organize them light to dark or experiment untill you are satisfied with it.

 If you need any help in this Tutorial I will be here and try to answer it.

Happy Creating;)
Anki J

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