Flitig med "Thank You" note card
Tycker att jag varit flitig med att göra några note card till min Etsy butik.
Hade lite strul med att göra egna kuvert, men det löste sig efter mycket
möda och pappers spill.
* Well, have been doing some Note Card for my Etsy shop. It was not
so easy to make my own envelopes, it took a lot of time and energy, but now
they are ready to fit my cards.
Korten mäter 9 x 7 cm.
Det första säljs som 1 st, och den sista här säljes ett set om 3 inkl. kuvert.
* The cards are measure 9x7 cm.
The first beautiful card is only one and comes with a envelop, and the last one is coming in 3 also with envelopes.
Happy Creation;)
Anki J
Hade lite strul med att göra egna kuvert, men det löste sig efter mycket
möda och pappers spill.
* Well, have been doing some Note Card for my Etsy shop. It was not
so easy to make my own envelopes, it took a lot of time and energy, but now
they are ready to fit my cards.
Korten mäter 9 x 7 cm.
Det första säljs som 1 st, och den sista här säljes ett set om 3 inkl. kuvert.
* The cards are measure 9x7 cm.
The first beautiful card is only one and comes with a envelop, and the last one is coming in 3 also with envelopes.
Happy Creation;)
Anki J
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