My Silhouette Cameo

Hi there,
oh my gosh I have internet for one day, I'm still on holliday and are in Norway for the momenth.

I  miss my Silhouette Cameo a lot, but in the camping car it is not possible to have, so it is back home in Thailand just waiting for me  to coming back and play with it.

This is how I decided to buy a Silhouette Cameo. I started to make cards in january 2014, and
bought all equipments that I have to have. As you know me I love to have some crafting to do, have that all my life.

When we went back to our house in Thailand in october 2014, I couldn't take my bigShot with me so I order the Silhouette Cameo on ebay to Thailand.

Well our first meating was not so good... You know when you got a new toy you are overexcited
and no time to really learn the Silhouette Cameo, well I struggling around for a week then It was put to the stash.

When we moved back to Sweden I decided to really learn my Silhouette Cameo (SC), so google was my first place to looking for some e-classes in the subject, well it was not much there I can say, but I found the "Silhouette School", and that have help me a lot, even if my personal opinion is that the site is a litle bit messy, but that's probably just me.

So now I have also find my online Silhouette classes at "Nikki in Stitches Craft Academy", each month I have several classes to learn my Silhouette cameo, and now I also learned to take it slowely and really learn my SC.

That's my story, maybe you can give me yours....

Happy Creating:)
Anki J


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